Soybean meal
Product originating from soybean grain processing by extraction method to obtain soybean oil. Popular protein component, which is used in the nutrition of all animal groups.
Protein: min. 46%
Product originating from soybean grain processing by extraction method to obtain soybean oil. Popular protein component, which is used in the nutrition of all animal groups.
Protein: min. 46%
Product originating from rape seed processing by extraction method to obtain rapeseed oil. Thanks to the large amount of protein and exogenous amino acids it is a good source of food for adult breeding animals.
Protein with fat: min. 34%
Product originating from processing sunflower seeds by extraction method to obtain sunflower oil. The protein contained in product is easily digestible, while the undoubted plus of sunflower meal is its price.
Protein: min. 35%
The product is based on raw fish processing. It works very well as a food for pigs – mainly thanks to the very high (reaching up to 70% of the whole product) fermented protein rich in exogenous amino acids.
Product originating from processing (pressing) of sunflower seeds to obtain sunflower oil. Sunflower as a high quality vegetable rich in protein guarantees the benefits for the pigs and cattle. Thanks to the content of various elements it increases the mass of farm animals.
Protein: 30-34% / Fat: 6-8%
Product originating from rape seed processing by pumping method to obtain rapeseed oil. The advantages of rapeseed cake are high digestibility of nutrients contained in them and attractive price.
Distillery processing product. It is nothing but dried cereal distillate. The high content of easily digestible protein contained in DDGS is a great proposition for farm animals – especially pigs and cattle.
The product of the mill industry was derived from the milling of wheat, rye or oat cereals. It has a high content of protein, minerals and vitamins.
By-product of sugar beet processing, used in animal feed.
Moisture: 14% / Sucrose: min. 2%
Highest quality and high nutritional value. Grain feed imported from proven Polish suppliers.
Oilseed processing products. They are used, among others, as a valuable addition in the diet of farm animals.